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How to be Successful 

How to be SuccessfulGod on Monday
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‘How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!’ (Mark 10.23b)


As a business leader, these words are hard to reconcile with the pursuit of success. But on deeper reflection, they offer valuable guidance on how to align business pursuits with a greater sense of purpose.

In professional contexts, wealth and success are often associated with hard work, strategic decision-making and skill, rather than with humility, service, and reliance on God. But Jesus’ encounter with the rich man, recorded in the verses immediately prior to Jesus’ words above, challenges us to not place our security and identity in what we possess and achieve but in who we are in God’s eyes.

Conventional wisdom amongst business leaders is all too frequently based on outpacing competition, and accumulating accolades. True greatness, Jesus is teaching through this encounter, is not measured by personal achievements, but by how we use our resources, influence, and position to uplift others.

All this challenges me, not to renounce success, wealth and influence but to reorient them so that they serve a higher purpose. I can do this through fostering ethical business practices, supporting charitable causes, helping to create jobs, or mentoring the next generation of leaders. In doing so, I can use my vocation in business to contribute positively to society. In response to the almost daily testing of my values and priorities, I can work with an open hand and a willing heart.

Ultimately, Jesus’ teaching does not condemn success but provides an invitation to view it through the lens of stewardship and faithfulness. This liberates us from relying on success to define our sense of self-worth, which is a real barrier to spiritual growth and meaningful relationships.


Holding ourselves accountable to God in our decision-making can be hard, especially when others appear more popular and progress in their careers faster. But consider how you can support the growth of those with whom you work during this week.   


Heavenly Father, thank you for the blessings and opportunities that come from my work. Help me to remember that true success is measured by service. Show me how to use my achievements to bless others. Keep my trust rooted in you alone. Amen.

This Week's Author

Dominique Sidley, Global Sales Director – Merlin Entertainments
Dominique Sidley

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God on Monday is produced in partnership with the Church of England. The reflections are based on the scriptural readings designated for the next Sunday in the Church's lectionary. You can sign up here to receive each God on Monday instalment.

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