Peter S. Heslam, '"Property is Theft": Abraham Kuyper and the Church Fathers on Poverty and Wealth', in Journal of Markets & Morality, 25.1 (2022), pp. 67-96. |

Peter S. Heslam, ‘Faith, Fortune and the Future: Christianity and Enterprise in Human Development’, in Religions, 12.12 (2021). |
Peter S. Heslam, ‘Calvinism in Business—an Enlightened Enterprise? Abraham Kuyper, Common Grace, and the Potential of Business’, in Abraham Kuyper on Business and Economics, edited by Peter S. Heslam (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2021), pp. xix-xl. |
Peter S. Heslam, ‘God’s Pandemic Rule and Redemption: Business and the Renewal of the Global Economy’, in The Bible in Transmission (Summer 2020), pp 8-11. |
Peter S. Heslam. ‘An Ethical Policy for an Islamic People: The Colonial Policy of the Kuyper Cabinet (1901–1905) and the Challenge of Human Development’, in Journal of Markets & Morality, 23.2 (2020), pp. 297-317.
‘Peter Heslam: The Anglican’, an interview in My Kuyper: Conversations on Faith, Politics and Culture, edited by Agnes Amelink (Utrecht: KokBoekencentrum, 2020), pp. 85-93. This article is in Dutch but an English translation may be available soon. The title of the Dutch original is 'Peter Heslam: De Anglicaan', in the book Mijn Kuyper: Gesprekken over Geloof, Politiek en Cultuur.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘The Rise of Religion and the Future of Capitalism’ in De Ethica: Journal of Philosophical, Theological and Applied Ethics, 2.3 (2015), pp. 53-72.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘The Spirit of Enterprise: Common Grace in Business’, in Journal of Markets and Morality, 18.1 (Spring 2015), pp. 7-20.
Peter S. Heslam and Eric A.S. Wood, ‘Greed is Good? An International Study of Christian Entrepreneurs’, in Business Ethics Today: The Sacred and the Market, edited by Philip J Clements (Basking Ridge, NJ: Center for Christian Business Ethics Today, 2015), pp. 25-61.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘Christianity and the Prospects for Development in the Global South’, in Paul Oslington (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Christianity and Economics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), pp. 359-83 (abstract here)

Peter S. Heslam and Eric A.S. Wood, ‘Faith and Business Practice amongst Christian Entrepreneurs’, in Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 79.2 (2014).
Peter S Heslam, Manfred Spieker and Jordan Ballor, ‘The Riddle of Integral Human Development’, in Journal of Markets and Morality, 16.1 (2013), pp. 1-4.
‘On Entrepreneurship, Poverty and Insights from Abraham Kuyper and John Wesley: An Interview between Peter Heslam and Joseph E. Gorra’, published by the Evangelical Philosophical Society, 2012.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘Happiness Through Thrift: The Contribution of Business to Human Wellbeing’, in The Practices of Happiness: Political Economy, Religion and Wellbeing, edited by John Atherton, Elaine Graham and Ian Steedman (London: Routledge, 2011), pp. 54-65.
Peter S. Heslam, Ian Jones, and Michael Pollitt, ‘How a Social Capital Approach can Help Multinationals Show Ethical Leadership’, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge (Working Paper 388), June 2009.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘An Appeal to Moral Imagination and Commercial Acumen: Transforming Business as a Solution to Poverty’, in Transforming the World? The Gospel and Social Responsibility, edited by Jamie A. Grant and Dewi A. Hughes (Nottingham: Apollos, 2009), pp. 268-288.
Peter S. Heslam ‘Corporate Freedom and State Regulation’, in Crucible: The Christian Journal of Social Ethics (April-June 2009), pp. 24-30.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘Commercial Entrepreneurship for the Good of People and Planet’, in The Gospel and Globalization: Exploring the Religious Roots of a Globalized World, edited by Michael W. Goheen and Erin G Glanville (Vancouver: Regent College Publishing, 2009), pp. 161-178.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘The Role of Business in the Fight Against Poverty’, in Christian Theology and Market Economics, edited by Ian R. Harper and Samuel Gregg (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008), pp. 164-190.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘Purposeful Wealth Creation: Eradicating Poverty through Enterprise’, in Through the Eye of a Needle: Theological Conversations over Political Economy, edited by John Atherton and Hannah Skinner (Peterborough: Epworth, 2007), pp. 121-136.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘Reducing Poverty Through Successful Business: The Role of Social Capital’, in Innovative Approaches to Reducing Global Poverty, edited James A.F. Stoner and Charles Wankel (Charlotte: Information Age, 2007), pp. 131-152.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘David Cameron: Is this Business Taking Over?’, in Third Way (March 2006), pp. 8-9.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘Globalization’, in New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics, edited by Campbell Campbell-Jack and Gavin J. McGrath (Leicester: IVP, 2006), pp. 285-288.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘Abraham Kuyper’, in New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics, edited by Campbell Campbell-Jack and Gavin J. McGrath (Leicester: IVP, 2006), pp. 389-390.
Peter S. Heslam and Ben Andradi, ’Entering the Circle of Exchange: Catholic Social Teaching and the Role of Business in the Eradication of Poverty’. Pontifical University of St Thomas (Angelicum), Rome (Italy) and the John Ryan Institute, University of St Thomas, Minnesota (USA), 2006.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘Towards a Sustainable Future’, in Globalization and the Good, edited by Peter S Heslam (London: SPCK, 2004), pp. 127-133.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘Is economic globalization sustainable?’, in Engage: Quarterly Comment from the Jubilee Centre, Jubilee Centre, Cambridge (2004).
Peter S Heslam, 'A Tale of Three Offices', in Workwise, issue17, September 2004 (London Institute for Contemporary Christianity), pp. 8-9. |
Peter S Heslam, ‘Capitalism and the Environment: Can they Co-Exist?’, in The Bible in Transmission (Spring 2003), pp. 11-13.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘Prophet of a Third Way: The Shape of Kuyper’s Socio-Political Vision’, Journal of Markets and Morality, 5.1 (2002), pp. 11–33.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘Is this Business Taking Over?: Writers of the World’s Wrongs George Monbiot and Noreena Hertz’, in Third Way (August 2001), pp. 15-23.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘The Spirituality of Globalisation: A Response to Ulrich Duchrow’, in Global Capitalism and the Gospel of Justice, edited by Andrew Bradstock and Paul Murray (Ushaw College, Durham University: 2001), pp. 26-27.
Peter S. Heslam, ‘The Meeting of the Wellsprings: Kuyper and Warfield at Princeton’, in Religion, Pluralism and Public Life: Abraham Kuyper's Legacy for the Twenty-First Century, edited by Luis E. Lugo (Grand Rapids/Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2000), pp. 22–44.
Peter S Heslam, ‘A Theology of the Arts: Kuyper's Ideas on Art and Religion’, in Kuyper Reconsidered: Aspects of his Life and Work, edited by Cornelius van der Kooi and Jan de Bruijn (Amsterdam: VU Uitgeverij, 1999), edited by pages 13–29