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The Oddest Boast 

The Oddest Boast
God on Monday
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“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me”
(2 Corinthians 12:9).


Imagine walking into a job interview and answering questions about your competency with the words: “I am a notorious timewaster”; or “I lose my temper often and am difficult to work with”; or “I am a poor manager of resources.” Would you expect to be appointed? I doubt it!

Such answers would, moreover, run counter to our instincts. We are naturally averse to admitting to our shortcomings and letting others judge who we really are. Few of us would willingly risk our reputation and livelihood by admitting our failures.

Yet this is what Paul does in his letter above. In fact, he goes further. He boasts of his weaknesses. At first blush, this can seem like fatalism – “Why bother trying to be strong, as I always fail”. But Paul is not defeatist about his weaknesses, nor does he excuse them. Instead, he relies on God, who overcomes them and even works through them for good. Paul’s boasts in his weaknesses are, in fact, boasts in Christ’s strength and victory.

Acting against our pride, defensiveness, and natural bent towards self-preservation is not easy. But God delights when we admit that our strengths cannot overcome our weaknesses. 

When we acknowledge the pit our failures have made for us, we see that light shines above and a ladder extends upwards. Christ, Jacob’s ladder, the light of the world, opens up for us the way to heaven, to everlasting joy.

We do not need to prove ourselves worthy of Christ, nor try to hide our sins from him. He sees and knows. Yet still he grants us his all-sufficient grace. It is when we recognize this that we can join with Paul in the oddest boast of all: through our weakness, we have access to God’s power. 


Where do your hopes truly lie? Where do you draw your worth? Meditate on what it means that Christ dwells within you; identify your weaknesses today and lay them at his feet.


Heavenly Father, I admit my weaknesses and rejoice in the gift of Jesus, who dwells in me. His grace is far greater than all my faults. When I am tempted to trust in my own strength, teach me to trust in you and your power. Amen. 

This Week's Author

Kaylena Radcliff, Managing Editor of Christian History Magazine
Kaylena Radcliff

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God on Monday is produced in partnership with the Church of England. The reflections are based on the scriptural readings designated for the next Sunday in the Church's lectionary. You can sign up here to receive each God on Monday instalment.

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