Running on Empty?

God on Monday
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When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, ‘They have no wine.’…. [and] said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ John 2: 3, 5
Celebrations occur daily around the world. Marking life events with family and friends helps build relationships and shared memories. At such times, we want things to go well. So too did those hosting the wedding in Cana.
Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the wine ran out. The celebrations could have ended abruptly with loss of face. However, Jesus saved the day. “Do whatever he tells you,” Mary advised the servants. But Jesus told them to fill large jars with water! Apparently, without questioning him, they obeyed. Soon there was enough top-quality wine to fill 800 standard wine bottles.
Jesus cares about our day-to-day challenges, as well as larger issues. A major concern in business is that cash will run out. Without cash, even profitable ventures can grind to a halt. Worries can rachet up: When will money arrive? How will I pay staff and rent? Will suppliers accept deferred payments? Can I secure a temporary loan?
Learning from the wedding at Cana, we should share our concerns with Jesus and then “Do as he tells us.”
Over the years, Jesus has responded to my desperate business situations, often by providing support in totally unexpected ways. As the great financial crash began, our bank suddenly withdrew an overdraft facility. A few days later, however, a world-famous scientist placed a fully paid order.
Similarly, on the day of a move to new premises, the moving company cancelled the contract. “What do we do now”, an employee asked me. I explained that I would pray and see what Jesus says. Within an hour, a trio turned up, new to the area, and looking for work with a new ‘man and van’ firm. Three days later, the building was clear – just ten minutes before the deadline. Call on Jesus if your wine is running out. Then, do as he tells you.
What challenges are you facing at work or at home? Do your resources look insufficient for the need? Bring the issues to Jesus; seek his wisdom and guidance; then do as he says.
Lord God, thank you that you are Jehovah Jireh, the great provider; and you are Immanuel, God with us. You know our needs before we know them ourselves. Help us to seek your guidance in all that we do, and then, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to do as you tell us, for your glory and the good of others. Amen.
This Week's Author
Ken Dickson, Founder of Axiom-e Limited, the strategic financial management consultancy; Course Director at University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education; Executive Team member, Faith in Business.
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God on Monday is produced in partnership with the Church of England. The reflections are based on the scriptural readings designated for the next Sunday in the Church's lectionary. You can sign up to Faith in Business here to receive each God on Monday instalment.
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