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This special Faith in Business Monthly concludes our 2024 theme of Being Productive: Working from Rest. People share what they have learnt and experienced through the year, and how they have been applying those things in practice. There will also be an exclusive video with highlights from our Retreat.
Restoration: Being Productive - Working from Rest
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  • Recorded: 30/05/2024
  • Length: 0 minute
Jeff Hanson, Stewart McCulloch and Peter Heslam will deepen our understanding that Being Productive in every aspect of our lives means working to the glory of God and not ourselves. To apply this to our relationships, our values, our time, and our workplace.
Redemption: Integrating Faith and Work
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  • Recorded: 04/04/2024
  • Length: 0 minute
Sara Minard, Michael Schluter and Fiona Brennan-Scott encourage us to outwork the fruits of the Holy Spirit into our workplaces and to the society around us, and answer the question: Can rest play a part in restoring households, renewing businesses and bringing communities and nations together
Renewal - Healing our Relationships
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  • Recorded: 07/03/2024
How would it change your work if you saw it as a sacred space? As a time and a place that God has given you and others to worship and find rest in Him. Kara Martin, Curt Hopkins and Peter Heslam encourage us to steward our businesses, our assets and our talents as an act of worship and trust in God.
Reimagination: Finding our Sacred Spaces
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  • Recorded: 23/01/2024
  • Length: 0 minute
God's first gift to his creation was time, so what we do with our time matters to Him. Yet in our urgent pursuit of success, many of us feel we have too little time. Natt Gantt, David Steinegger and Ravi Gidoomal speak Selah to us so we can rediscover God's gift of time.
Resistance: Reclaiming our Time
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  • Recorded: 05/01/2023
  • Length: 0 minute
The history of humankind since the Fall has been one of disordered loves, leading to disordered pursuits and priorities. Autumn Ridenour and Bev Shepherd will reframe and remind us what we truly work towards.
Reprioritization: Reassessing our Values
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  • Recorded: 30/11/2023
  • Length: 0 minute
Jesus tells us that rest is not for God’s sake (as he has no need of anything), but for the sake of God’s creation. So in rest we gain Resilience - God's unique gift - as Ken Barnes and Rob Wright will show us.
Resilience - God's Unique Gift
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  • Recorded: 02/11/2023
  • Length: 0 minute
Our Director, Peter Heslam, along with Ken Barnes and Chris Gillies, introduces our new theme, explaining that God puts rest at the centre of the gospel. They left us with a question in our busy working lives: Could it be that we have ignored God's gift of rest?
Introducing our new Theme
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  • Recorded: 29/09/2023
  • Length: 0 minute
At this special FiBM, participants at our annual retreat share how they have been applying learning from the event to their workplaces and in their lives.
Enhancing God's Beauty at Work
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  • Recorded: 22/05/2023
  • Length: 0 minute
Our Retreat Worship Leaders, Geraldine Latty and Carey Luce, and some of the Retreat's HEARTtalkers and pray-ers will guide us in Preparing for Beautiful Work by sharing how they see God's beauty in their everyday work.
Preparing for Beautiful Work
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  • Recorded: 13/04/2023
  • Length: 0 minute
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Stimulating and resourcing the business world for over 30 years

Faith in Business’ vision is of business as a force for good, transforming society in a way that expresses the kingdom of God. We encourage and equip Christian business people to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ in a demanding workplace context. With an eye on the future, we are especially committed to serving young business leaders.

Faith in Business is active on many fronts. We run an annual retreat, co-publish a quarterly journal, host a monthly webinar, provide topical weekly reflections and facilitate a business prayer network. As a volunteer-led organisation, we'd love you to get involved with us and there are a number of ways you can do this: