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Faith in Business Bursary 

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The Faith in Business Cambridge Leadership Retreat gathers a wide range of leaders and future leaders with a shared passion to be faithful disciples of Christ in their workplaces. These include students, early stage and seasoned entrepreneurs, managers in large businesses, senior executives, lawyers, and consultants. All are keen to learn from one another and share their experiences. No-one is considered more significant than another - we are all equal before God.

To help ensure that cost is not a barrier to anyone attending the retreat, we provide a range of bursaries. You can apply by completing the short form below. We review applications (in complete confidence) every couple of weeks, and will let you know if you have been successful.

Please note that you will need to arrange your own accommodation separately.

Email Address:
LinkedIn profile
Career stage
Organisation / Company name
Briefly describe your organisation
Bursary request (full ticket price is £250)
Why would you like the Bursary you have selected?
How will you benefit from attending the retreat?
How did you hear about Faith in Business?
What Faith in Business resources and events have you utilised in the past year (select all that apply)  
Is there anything else you'd like to add?

With Thanks to our Retreat Sponsors

The generous sponsorship of the following organisations has enabled Faith in Business to provide our Bursary scheme:
Mockler Logo

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Stimulating and resourcing the business world for over 30 years

Faith in Business’ vision is of business as a force for good, transforming society in a way that expresses the kingdom of God. We encourage and equip Christian business people to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ in a demanding workplace context. With an eye on the future, we are especially committed to serving young business leaders.

Faith in Business is active on many fronts. We run an annual retreat, co-publish a quarterly journal, host a monthly webinar, provide topical weekly reflections and facilitate a business prayer network. As a volunteer-led organisation, we'd love you to get involved with us and there are a number of ways you can do this: