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Uncharted Territory 

Uncharted Territory
God on Monday
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‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you’
(Isaiah 43.1b-2).


Trustworthiness is paramount in the world of work. We all want to do business with people who do what they say they are going to do. Especially in environments in which obligations are regarded as ‘fluid’, trust is hard to win but easily lost. 

The passage cited above reminds us that the gold standard in trustworthiness is God. It tells us something very important as we face the prospect of navigating uncharted territory, like that presented to us at the start of a new year. It tells us that God may not remove rising waters and raging fires from our path but that God knows and cares when they threaten to overwhelm and destroy us, physically, spiritually, or even financially.

Whether or not we are delivered from such threats, we are offered God’s presence, protection, preservation, and peace. In the midst of danger, God assures us that we have been called by name and that we have been redeemed. Because we have been bought for a price and belong to God, we need not fear. Nothing we face in our lives, including in our work, can change any of this. God is utterly worthy of our trust.  


What would it look like for you to surrender totally to God as you face the hazards of the coming week and the year ahead? Consider the promise of God’s presence, protection, preservation, and peace. Know that you are precious, honoured, and loved by God.


Father in Heaven, thank you that I need not be afraid, for you are with me. Give me patience when I go through tumultuous times, and confidence in my identity as your child. May I know your presence and protection as I tread rising waters, and your preservation and peace as I pass through raging fires. Quieten my anxious heart, that in all my thoughts and actions, I may reflect your redeeming love

This Week's Author

Leah Brown, FRSA, Corporate lawyer, entrepreneur, and founder-CEO of The WayFinders Group (London, UK).
Leah Brown

God on Monday is produced in partnership with the Church of England. The reflections are based on the scriptural readings designated for the next Sunday in the Church's lectionary. You can sign up here to receive each God on Monday instalment.

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