Speaking Life into Others
God on Monday
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‘Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her by the Lord’ (Luke 1:45).
Mary accepted her calling to be the mother of Jesus with humble obedience, but it must have come as a complete shock. Only after she arrives at Elizabeth's home does she find the reassurance she needs to celebrate. Her joy and confidence in God’s call are ignited through her conversation with Elizabeth, where her identity and calling are affirmed.
Recently, someone told me that we know ourselves best in community. It is in community that we piece together our calling, recognise our gifts, and see God’s promises come alive. Like Mary, we need others to confirm what God says about us, so we can walk with confidence in his plans and purposes.
As a leader, I try to recognise the unique gifts of the people I lead. My aim in doing so is to speak life into them and to create space for them to thrive. I also seek this for myself, through the mentoring and other support I receive. They help me to become more of the person God created me to be.
Like Mary, we are all called. We are image-bearers of God and our deepest calling is to come into the fullness of that identity. When Elizabeth uses the word ‘blessed’ in her exclamation above, she does so in the fullest sense of shalom—a life that is restored and transformed through the complete identity and flourishing Christ brings.
We need to walk in this identity, using our gifts to fulfill God’s plans. And we need to speak words of life – as Elizabeth did - into the gifts and callings of others, encouraging them to do the same. When we do so, the outcome may not lead to an easy life - Mary would eventually suffer profound grief – but it will be a blessed life, full of God’s shalom.
As you head into your week, reflect on how you can speak life into the unique gifts and callings of those you lead. Ask the Lord to show you any people in your life that you can help to mentor. With your support and encouragement, they can come to discern a calling of which they have so far been unaware.
Heavenly Father, thank you that we are all unique image-bearers of you. Thank you that you have given us gifts to pursue the plans you made for us before we were born. Help us to walk in our identity and to lead with purpose. Help us celebrate the gifts of others, champion their growth, and become a catalyst for transformation in the lives of those we lead. In Jesus name, Amen.
This Week's Author
Jamie Phear, Communications Manager at St Mellitus College, London, UK.
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God on Monday is produced in partnership with the Church of England. The reflections are based on the scriptural readings designated for the next Sunday in the Church's lectionary. You can sign up here to receive each God on Monday instalment.
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