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Generosity at Work 

Generosity at WorkGod on Monday
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‘Those who are generous are blessed, for they share their bread with the poor’ (Proverbs 22.9).


This verse looks straightforward enough – of course, we should share with those in poverty! 

If we are already doing this, it may be tempting to cross this off our ‘to do’ list. But let us unpack ‘generous’ a little. What does it look like, for instance, to be generous at work? At the heart of being generous is putting others first. This could include listening carefully to our colleagues, letting them have their say, seeking resolution over conflict, and trying to see things from their perspective.

Being generous in these ways can be tricky, especially when we are struggling with work pressures. As we cannot go far in our own strength, we must root ourselves in right relationship with God, starting with thanksgiving for God’s lavish generosity towards us. God knew us before we were born, and God knows every hair on our heads, and every breath we take. God even gave us God’s only Son, so that we could share Christ’s inheritance as one of God’s children. We are given all this despite those moments when we put other things before God.  

Once we orient ourselves along the lines of God’s extravagant generosity, it becomes easier to be generous in all sorts of ways towards others. And we are blessed in the process, whether that is through seeing the difference we are helping to make through our giving of time or money to a good cause, or through seeing the flourishing of our relationships with colleagues. In short, we discover the sheer joy of giving.


Invite God to show you new ways in which you can be generous with your time, talent, money and resources. Consider how you can bless your colleagues in your interactions with them this week.


Father God, thank you for the many ways you bless us every day. Thank you for the ultimate gift of your precious Son, Jesus. Please help us to honour you at work by being generous to our colleagues with our time, attention, skills and knowledge. Thank you that, in giving, we are blessed with your peace and joy. Amen.

This Week's Author

Ruth Jackson, Head of PR and Communications, Stewardship
Ruth Jackson

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God on Monday is produced in partnership with the Church of England. The reflections are based on the scriptural readings designated for the next Sunday in the Church's lectionary. You can sign up here to receive each God on Monday instalment.

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