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A Discerning Mind 

A Discerning MindGod on Monday
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’God said to Solomon, ‘Because you have…not asked for yourself long life or riches…but have asked for yourself understanding to discern what is right, I now…give you a wise and discerning mind’ (1 Kings 3.11-12a). 


When we pray for our work, do we ask God to give us a wise and discerning mind? In our work struggles, do we ask God to help us identify any idols in our minds that may contribute to our pain?

God was pleased that Solomon asked neither for wealth nor the death of his enemies, but made the state of his mind the focus of his prayer. When we encounter adversity and pain in our work, our immediate response can be that we ask God to remove it. We want God to fix the situation.

Although these may be worthy prayers, we also need to ask ourselves what God may be doing through these tricky circumstances. How might God be at work in this situation to make our minds more like the mind of Christ? 

All the work of our hands is fruitless if we are not doing it for God and with God. Yet, as in the case of Solomon, God delights to give us discernment and wisdom. If we ask God for it, we will align ourselves more with God’s plans.

This in turn means we will bear more fruit, even though we will not always see that fruit in the short span of our earthly lives. In Christ, we have access to the great and wonderful wisdom of God. We just need to want it more than we want material gifts. 


Take a moment to ask yourself what you are hoping to achieve through your work. What are your true desires? Do they include status, achievement, fame, fortune, acclaim, power? What is there in your work that, if threatened, would make you doubt the goodness of God? Ask God to replace your love of those things with a love for the mind of Christ. 


Father God, thank you for all the good gifts we receive from you through our work. May these things never become distractions from working in alignment with you and from eagerly desiring your gift of wisdom. Help us to understand ourselves, and those we work with, with your wisdom.

This Week's Author

Lauren Gill, Senior Director, Global Faith & Work Initiative, Redeemer City to City
Lauren Gill

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God on Monday is produced in partnership with the Church of England. The reflections are based on the scriptural readings designated for the next Sunday in the Church's lectionary. You can sign up here to receive each God on Monday instalment.

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