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Being Productive: Working from Rest (Part Two) 

In the previous edition (FiBQ 22.4), Peter Heslam introduced the theme of ‘Being Productive: Working from Rest’. This is the 2024 theme of Faith in Business, in partnership with the Mockler Center in the USA and Stewardship in the UK. Here Peter briefly develops the theme’s theological framework.

Click to read the full article (PDF opens in new tab). It was first published in Faith in Business Quarterly, Volume 22.4, page 36.

Dr Peter S Heslam is Director of Faith in Business and a Fellow of the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology.

Peter Heslam, 27/07/2024
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Stimulating and resourcing the business world for over 30 years

Faith in Business’ vision is of business as a force for good, transforming society in a way that expresses the kingdom of God. We encourage and equip Christian business people to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ in a demanding workplace context. With an eye on the future, we are especially committed to serving young business leaders.

Faith in Business is active on many fronts. We run an annual retreat, co-publish a quarterly journal, host a monthly webinar, provide topical weekly reflections and facilitate a business prayer network. As a volunteer-led organisation, we'd love you to get involved with us and there are a number of ways you can do this: