Mind Battles
God on Monday
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The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace (Romans 8.6).
Monday morning. The alarm goes off. I try not to hit the snooze button. But then, what are the first thoughts that go through my mind? Meetings, cashflow, emails, deadlines? By the time I have finished breakfast, my mind can be so preoccupied with business matters that my thoughts are governed by anxiety and stress. My mind is racing in a million directions.
Is this experience familiar to you too?
Our mind is a battlefield. It is a fight to dwell on the right thoughts and to feed from the right source. We need to actively resist the lies we have told ourselves or have been told by others. Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, I have been told many things by business leaders about what success looks like and how I should run my business. Some of it has been good advice. But a lot of it has come from a worldly ‘good works’ perspective full of shoulds and oughts about being a successful leader.
The promise in the above verse from Romans is that the one whose mind is governed by the Spirit of God finds life and peace. That sounds like a much better place to be! The Spirit of God is alive in our minds as we feed on God’s word and commune with God! This will make us fruitful, even if not always successful. Whether we succeed or fail, peace comes from knowing that we belong to a God who will never leave nor forsake us and that God has a future for us.
Allowing our minds to be governed by God’s Spirit brings freedom of thought and belief that transcends ‘how we should do things’. We find we are able to see situations differently and to deal with challenging circumstances with the creativity and resource God gives us.
Whatever circumstances you face today, whether at work or in life, let the Spirit of God lead you to life and peace. Avoid falling into the traps of hopelessness or the quest for control. Instead, relinquish your stress and anxiety to your loving Father.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the life and peace you give to those whose minds are governed by your Spirit. We choose right now to relinquish our thoughts to you. May your Holy Spirit fill our minds with your truth today. Amen.
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This Week's Author
Dan Maudhub, CEO of Wonderful Creative Agency. Founder of Wonderful Leaders.
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God on Monday is produced in partnership with the Church of England. The reflections are based on the scriptural readings designated for the coming Sunday in the Church's lectionary. You can sign up to Faith in Business here to receive each God on Monday instalment.
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