Come, Wait, Receive
God on Monday
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‘The Lord said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain and wait there; I will give you the tablets of stone, with the law and the commandment, which I have written for their instruction’
(Exodus 24:12).
Our lives can often resemble a never-ending task list of things to do, meetings to attend, and goals to accomplish. The list is necessary, we convince ourselves, to lead a productive life. In our working lives, this mindset keeps us hastily moving between video calls, emails, and team meetings. We juggle multiple priorities and strive to meet fast-approaching deadlines. All this can mean we end up losing perspective on the purpose of our toil and effort.
Lent is a welcome time to stop and take stock of what is truly important as we live out our Christian lives in and through our work. For this time to be impactful, we need to detach ourselves from the demanding schedules of daily life.
In this passage, God’s instruction to Moses is to come up the mountain, wait there, and only then receive instructions. This beautifully models the intentionality with which we are to approach our fellowship with God. It demonstrates how we can escape from the ‘noise’ of everyday life and zero-in on the presence of God, deepen our relationship with God, rest in God's presence, and receive God's instruction. It sounds simple but it can be difficult in practice unless we make a deliberate effort.
We also see the importance of patience and waiting on the Lord. In God’s presence, we are subject to God's plans and timelines. We cannot rush the process. The invitation is to take time to enjoy God’s beauty, which in itself brings healing and fulfilment. For us, as it was for Moses, waiting in God’s presence opens the way to receiving God’s guidance.
Purpose this week to carve out some dedicated quality time with the Lord. Give yourself enough time to come into God’s presence, wait on God’s voice, and receive God’s direction for all aspects of your life, work included.
Dear God, as I shut out the noise and focus on you, help me to hear you clearly. Free my mind and heart from any distractions so I can be fully present with you as I wait to receive your instruction. May I fully live out your will for my life as you confirm it to me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Next Steps
Aim to increase the duration and/or change the location of your quiet time or daily devotion with God to allow yourself to truly sit in God's presence. Focus on being sensitive to God's presence without rushing to receive an answer to prayer or instruction. Intentionally get rid of distractions and keep a journal to record the growth in your relationship with God as you implement these changes.
This Week's Author
Karl Kiarie, Founding Member, Sankofa Collective UK
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God on Monday is produced in partnership with the Church of England. The reflections are based on the scriptural readings designated for the coming Sunday in the Church's lectionary. You can sign up to Faith in Business here to receive each God on Monday instalment. Feel free to share these reflections with your contacts via email and social media.