In Pursuit
God on Monday
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‘But as for you, man of God, shun all this; pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness’ (1Timothy 6:11).
The word ‘pursue’ is often used to refer to career ambitions, business deals, wealth. or a ‘better’ life. It is socially acceptable to pursue money and the status that comes with it. But the Apostle Paul warns the young Timothy that the love of money is the root of all evil. He urges him to pursue much greater riches: ‘righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness’.
Pursuit is active and intentional. To sustain it, we need to keep in mind that we came into the world, and will leave it, with nothing. God could allow us suddenly to lose all our earthly possessions. Living in ‘unapproachable light’ (1 Tim 6.16), his ways are much higher than our ways; they are beyond comprehension.
In the topsy-turvy kingdom of light, what does this pursuit require of me today? Perhaps I need to break the precious quiet and solace of my lunchbreak in the hospital canteen courtyard to give time to the colleague walking past who is clearly troubled. Perhaps I am to let her tell me about her ailing parents, and sick child and offer support. Perhaps I am to be a peacemaker now that two of my colleagues have fallen out.
This is God’s kingdom, this is the life ‘that really is life’ (1 Tim 6.19). This is treasure unlike any other on earth. Righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness. This is the only secure currency in which to invest.
Carry out some ‘due diligence’ on your investment of time and energy. Do you need to review your priorities? Are there some things you need to let go of that are hindering your pursuit of true life?
Lord Jesus, thank you that we have been rescued from darkness into the kingdom of your glorious light. Help us to live this week in the pursuit of true riches. In your precious name, Amen.
Next Steps
Consider Romans 6:11 or the depth of truth expressed in Colossians 3:1-17.
This Week's Author
Audrey Mafemera, Associate Specialist in ENT Surgery, and Cornerstone City Church, Rochester.
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God on Monday is produced in partnership with the Church of England. The reflections are based on the scriptural readings designated for the coming Sunday in the Church's lectionary. You can sign up to Faith in Business here to receive each God on Monday instalment.
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