Tell them Everything!
God on Monday
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‘Go back to your family, and tell them everything God has done for you.’ So he went all through the town proclaiming the great things Jesus had done for him.
Luke 8:39 (NLT)
When we receive an answer to prayer, we should make it a habit to tell other people. Often it can feel inappropriate to do so in professional contexts, as it may involve us being open about challenges we have faced. We can feel embarrassed, especially if those challenges involve deep-seated issues.
In the passage from Luke’s gospel above, Jesus is handling a deeply embarrassing situation. Here we have a man possessed by demons, who is homeless, lives amongst tombs, and goes around naked. He clearly has a publicly unsettling mental health challenge. Yet when Jesus heals him, he does not advise him to be discrete about it. He tells him to go and tell his loved ones everything God had done for him.
As the man’s issue was very public, his healing would have spoken volumes to many people. Some of our issues will be easy for people to see, while others will be concealed. Either way, as we sensitively but confidently testify to the breakthroughs we receive, we will inspire others to believe that God hears their prayers too. Let us, therefore, ‘tell them everything’ God has done for us!
When did you last stop to take stock of all that God has been doing in your life? Can you recall the last time you shared openly about a challenge you faced that you had prayed about and seen God intervene? Dare to make this your regular practice, even amongst those you work with.
Dear Lord, help me to see more clearly the amazing things you are doing in my life, including in my work. Give me the courage to tell others about them.
Next Steps
Make a determined effort to share with at least one person this week something that God has done for you. Even if you consider that something too small to be of any significance, it can be a tool in God’s hand if you are willing.
This Week's Author
Ofonimeh Abudu, Senior Lawyer, UK Government (Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport), and Trustee of Transform Work UK.
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God on Monday is produced in partnership with the Church of England. The reflections are based on the scriptural readings designated for the coming Sunday in the Church's lectionary. You can sign up to Faith in Business here to receive each God on Monday installment.
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