Faithful Witness
God on Monday
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‘Grace to you…from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness’ Rev 1.4-8 (vs 5)
Jesus is called here the faithful witness. This is because he emulated his Father in everything he did. We know this from John 5:19, where he says that he only does whatever the Father does.
We bear witness to Christ through the fruit of the Holy Spirit, who works in our lives to make us more like Jesus. Therefore, we, too, are faithful witnesses insofar as we imitate God.
This can put us at odds with the world’s approach to life and cause us to challenge accepted norms, such as those associated with workaholism and profit maximisation.
Jesus was faithful with what God had entrusted to him, even though it put him at loggerheads with the Pharisees. He did not compromise the truth to appeal to the crowds.
He understands, however, our challenges in being faithful. The Book of Hebrews encourages us to hold firm to the faith we profess, as Jesus can sympathise with our shortcomings.
May this embolden us to go against the grain in becoming faithful witnesses to Christ!
It is often easier to compromise with the world's ways than to live as a faithful witness to Christ. What active measures can we take to make it more likely that we will decide to follow the right path rather than the easiest path?
God our Father, thank you for Jesus’ faithful witness to you. May the Holy Spirit work in our lives to make us faithful witnesses wherever you place us. In Jesus' name, Amen.
This Week's Author
Esther Ngéthe, Volunteer at Faith in Business
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God on Monday is produced in partnership with the Church of England. The reflections are based on the scriptural readings designated for the coming Sunday in the Church's lectionary. You can sign up to Faith in Business here to receive each God on Monday installment.
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