Glowing for God
God on Monday
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‘When Moses came down from Mount Sinai…his face was radiant
because he had spoken with the Lord’ (Exodus 34.29).
I wonder how you hear the word of God. Do you pick up its tone and sense its emotions? If so, how do you let them affect your countenance when you turn to your work and leisure?
As a new Christian, I attended a short course in biblical drama. It highlighted what a dramatic, explosive, and dangerous book the Bible is and the dynamic God it revealed. The course helped me to delight more in my faith and to be more willing to show this on my face.
Having spent time with God, Moses glows with such radiance when he returns from Mount Sinai to lead Israel that the people cannot look at him. It is a great example of witnessing without words!
If we leap forward to Paul’s writings, we find we do not have to hide our faces like Moses. We can look at the glory of God like it is in a bathroom mirror, and this has transformative power (2 Cor 3.12-4.2). Who would not want that? Can you imagine what it could inspire in those around us?
Through my work, I learn and teach the benefits of a smile. It changes our voice, it says ‘I’m happy to be here’, and we look more attractive. But it is only through worship that we can become truly radiant, like Moses. When I take time to do this, I find encouragement in compliments people make that I can only ascribe to God’s glory shining from within. It is a non-verbal testimony to the source of my joy.
Take heart. The Moses who encountered the burning bush ‘hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God’ (Ex. 3:6) went on to be one of the greatest leaders in history.
What if, every time we use the bathroom, we take the opportunity to look in the mirror and ask God to transform us more into his image? It is bound to increase God’s radiance within us!
Father, Son and Spirit, you are glorious. We want the world in which we live and work to know that glory. Help us remove the cover we keep over your light within, so that we can shine for you every day. May our knowledge of you make us smile, regardless of our circumstances. For your glory, Amen.
Next steps
Meditate on Exodus 34: 29-35 and 2 Cor. 3:12-4:2. Ask God to show you what you need to do to reflect his glory more.
Fiona Brennan-Scott is a business owner, coach and speaker. To find out more about her and her organisation, click the link after her name below.
This Week's Author
Fiona Brennan-Scott, BESPOKEN.
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God on Monday is based on the lectionary readings for the coming Sunday and is produced in partnership with the Church of England. But you can still sign up to Faith in Business here to receive each God on Monday instalment. We will let you know when you can sign up to receive them direct from the Church of England.
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