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Remembered by JesusRemembered by God

God on Monday
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 ‘I pray for them’ (John 17.9a)


We can get a sinking feeling when we discover we have forgotten something; a family member’s birthday, a work deadline, our wallet at the supermarket checkout, or the milk for breakfast. In contrast, there is nothing quite like being remembered; a kind email from a colleague, an unexpected card in the post, or a word of affirmation.

Here in John 17, Jesus remembers his twelve disciples. They are on his mind in prayer, just before the most intense hours of His life. In the Hebrew Bible, the high priest was symbolically to bring the 12 tribes of Israel into the holy place as he wore the breastplate (Exodus 28.15-30). Here Jesus, the great high priest, carries the 12 on his heart into the throne room of heaven in prayer. And what he prayers for those 12, he prays for all who would believe (v 20). Here we find him praying for you and me.

What, then, does Jesus pray for us? For protection (vs 11, 15); for growth in truth and holiness (v 17); for unity (v 11), for awareness that we are on a mission – that we are sent into the world in his name (v 18). This is what Jesus has been praying for us in our week ahead, as we work, make decisions, complete tasks, have conversations, and search for new ideas and solutions.

Consider how your need will be met this week for courage, clarity, wisdom, and patience. Ultimately, it will not be through our skills, the recent training course we completed, or the opportunities we might have (as good as those things are). It will be through knowing that the one who prays for us here in the garden is the ascended one who prays for us even now. For Jesus ‘Is at the right hand of God, interceding for us’ (Romans 8.34). 

We are on the mind of Jesus today. He has not forgotten us. He has met our need for salvation and empowerment by giving us his life and pouring out on us his Spirit. In all the ways that matter most, we have been remembered. 


Remind yourself of Jesus’ commitment to you. Ask for his help in meeting the challenges and opportunities of this week with the Holy Spirit’s power.


Father, thank you for your love for me. May I know today the beautiful truth that Jesus prays for me. Let it fill me with hope, comfort and courage. Amen.

This Week's Author

Laura Gallacher, Co-Founder of Prisca Preaching Training and Pastor to Postgraduate Students, St Aldates Church, Oxford.
Laura Gallacher

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God on Monday is produced in partnership with the Church of England. The reflections are based on the scriptural readings designated for the next Sunday in the Church's lectionary. You can sign up here to receive each God on Monday instalment.

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